Camp Liberty (United States) is one of the three main faction camps in Warpath.
It is introduced first at the tutorial all players have at the beginning of the game. Camp Liberty is at war with the Raven (neutral units) during the Tutorial.
Main Page: Warpath Camps
Camp Liberty Officers
Randall Miller
All Camp Liberty Units
- 155mm Gun M1A1
- 155mm Gun M2
- 155mm Howitzer M114
- 17pdr SP Achilles
- A12 Matilda Mk II
- A13 Covenanter Mk III
- A13 Cruiser Mk II
- A15 Crusader Mk I
- A15 Crusader Mk III
- A22 Churchill tank
- A22F Churchill Mk VII
- A24 Cromwell Mk I
- A27M Cromwell Mk IV
- A30 17pdr SP Archer
- A43 Black Prince Tank
- B1 bis
- Bishop
- BL 5.5in Med Gun
- Browning Machine gun squad
- Char B1
- Classic field gun
- Classic Renault tank
- M1 Garand squad
- M10 Wolverine
- M14 rifle squad
- M16 rifle squad
- M18 Hellcat
- M18 Super Hellcat
- M2 Carbine squad
- M2 medium tank
- M24 Chaffee
- M26 Pershing
- M2A1 medium tank
- M3 Carbine squad
- M3 Grant medium tank
- M3 Lee medium tank
- M36 Jackson
- M4 Sherman
- M5 Stuart
- M8A1 tank destroyer
- Matilda L
- Militia squad
- NM-116
- QF 17-Pounder Mk I
- QF 17-Pounder Mk IV
- QF 6-Pounder Mk II
- QF 6-Pounder Mk VI
- Sherman Firefly
- Springfield squad
- Sten gun squad
- Super Pershing
- T24E1
- T26E4 Pershing
- Tommy gun squad
- Valentine L
- Valentine tank
For the full list of units in game, please check out the Warpath units page.
Camp Liberty Background
Camp Liberty was the first camp that posed a real threat to Raven. Possessing the largest territory and the biggest industrial share, Liberty suffered great losses at the start of the war. As Raven became more dangerous, Camp Liberty declared war on hostile forces, time and time again and established the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers.
Despite leaders of nations pulling together in the war effort, the power of Liberty was not nearly as efficient as Raven. Command and cooperation were a challenge and great disputes about strategic direction started to dominate the Supreme Headquarters.
Camp Liberty, spurred on by its mighty strength and courage in the face of danger, became destined to win the war. They mass-produced arsenal made of universal parts, which, while convenient, rendered them somewhat limited. However Liberty’s weapons on both the offensive and defensive, when under the control of an experienced Commander, can thwart the enemy’s plans in any battle.