From now on, all players in Warpath are able to move to nearby servers by using the Migration function.
All players were always looking for a way to move to other servers, where we can have more fun, to be able to play with friends, or to compete in events easier.
Warpath Migration System: How to Move to A New Server
Players are only able to move/migrate between open servers, which are usually the nearby servers that have a similar history and power. Distant Servers will be open as well at a later stage of the game.
Players need to use Migrate Commands in order to move to the other server. Migrate Commands are available in Alliance Store or in-game Bundles.
The amount of Migrate Commands varies depending on player power. The higher power you have, the more Migrate Commands it requires.
There is a 30-day cooldown every time you migrate. You have to wait for the 31st day to be able to move again.
Players have to leave the current Alliance before transporting to the new server.
All of the Activity and Commander Points will get removed upon the Migration. Make sure you collect all of the Activity Rewards before doing the migration.
Please comment down below if you have any questions!
Please explain to me how it is fair that a 21M power player that never spends any money on the game can migrate servers for 2 tickets, and a 40M player that pays the bills with thousands of dollars needs 20 tickets. Not only is the concept that players that actually support the game with $ need to pay more to use this function, but it’s also impossible to purchase the number of tickets needed.
Your VIP support said it’s because Lilith did not think this design through from the start, and it can cause server environment instability. As a professional in the gaming industry, I cannot phantom a reason that would make the migration of a higher score player cause more instability than a smaller one.
Regardless, if you cannot do it from a technical perspective, just be honest in your communications and say you have technical limitations and large players cannot migrate servers, don’t lie to us.
I have just purchased a migrate command ticket. When I click on it to use it the expansion pops up, but there is no button to press. I have tried clicking the ticket multiple times with no success. I am a lvl9 CC Name: Free_Kill, Server: 27, City:Baku.
Can you please explain these migrations a little better, how long it will take and some timers to count down the time how many servers will be open, it is not very clear to us and we are currently doing research to be able to buy these migration cards, so I wonders how long, for example, server 6 will be open, and how long all those servers will be open before migrations close
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