Mine Sweeping Expedition Event Guide

Mine Sweeping Expedition is an interesting event in Warpath that offers a lot of valuable rewards for searching and defeating the Raven units on the map.

warpath Mine Sweeping Expedition

Mine Sweeping Expedition

1. Each time the event kicks off, Commanders may set the Difficulty Level of their Challenges once only. Complete a certain Difficulty Level to unlock the next Difficulty Level in the following event.

2. Each event has 50 levels of Raven Spies and Raven Secret Bunkers. Rewards earned depend on the highest level of Raven found and defeated and are dispatched via Mail when the event draws to a close.

raven spy

3. Each successful search expends 30 Energy. Raven Troops only, appear in searches for 60 minutes. If they are not defeated within 60 minutes they disappear and you’ll need to search again next time.

4. Commanders may only attack the Raven Spies and Raven Secret Bunkers they find. Allies can help after an Assist has been called for. 5 Assists can be made per event.

5. Each time you find and defeat a Raven Spy or Secret Raven Base you earn one of Raven’s Coded Message Pieces. Collect 5, Pieces to decipher Raven’s secret intelligence and earn Rewards.

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