In this article, let’s talk about one of the most important things in Warpath, the officer statues and how to use them effectively.
You need statues for upgrading officer skills.
There are 2 kinds of statues:
- Specific Officier Statues: Can only be used for the respective commander.
- Universal sculptures: Can be used by any officer.
Since we still don’t have a lot of officers available, each of them is still playing a big role in Warpath.
There are a lot of ways to get Officer Statues as free-to-play players and pay-to-win players and we will talk about them all here in this article.
How to Get Officer Statues in Warpath
Campaign Store
The first and the easiest way for getting Universal Officer Statues is from the Campaign section of the game.
Most players don’t know that the Campaign Store actually has officer statues!
Simply go to the Statue Offers tab to see the deals, which are the best ones to get in this Store.
It’s actually very easy to grab them all! You probably just need 2 days to get the first 3 offers. The store resets every 3 days and you will have time to grab at least 20 Universal Statues from the Campaign Store.
With the exception of Ammunition, this store doesn’t really any good offers, that’s why it’s the best stuff you can get here.
Alliance Store
Alliance Donating is the second way for free-to-play players to get the statues!
As we are playing Warpath, helping Alliance members, building, and contributing to the Alliance research are just normal daily activities. And by doing those, players can get a lot of Alliance Credits, which can be exchanged for Commander Statues and other items in the Alliance Store!
Only War Machine Statue is available here, however, he is super good, especially when it comes to leading tanks to shoot faster.
However, in general, all officers have their own job right now in Warpath so getting them all is a must!
VIP Levels
Getting to high VIP levels is a bit hard but it’s totally worth it! And it’s actually the best way to spend your hard-earned Gold in Warpath.
Starting from VIP 10, you get 1 free Universal Gold Officer Statue every day, and a lot of other free resources. When you get to VIP 12, you have 2
Statues per day, and it’s 3
Statues at VIP level 14.
Later, when you get to VIP 13, you can actually purchase the Gold Officer Statues from the VIP store for 3200 Gold. But if you are free-to-play players, I don’t recommend doing that and the best way to spend your Gems on is the VIP level.
Events are always the best way to get resources for free in Warpath. That’s why I always recommend you keep the resources and only spend them during a respective event to make the most of it.
Events like Battle Honors, Glorious Reign, Mine Sweeping Expedition, etc. are always offering Gold Officer Statues when you get enough points. And you can even get a lot more statues if you have a high ranking on the Event Leaderboard.
Lucky Wheel
This is another way to get the statue. However, I only recommend playing this event when you have at least VIP 10.
And remember to always spin to get to the thresholds of the event for extra statues.
Officer Missions
Always try to do the highest-level officer missions and get it to 100% Success Rate for the best statue drop rate.
23-hour, 11-hour, and 4-hour missions have decent drop-rate. But it’s almost impossible to get one from the 30-minute missions.
Battle Pass
You can get up to 15 officer sculptures from the Battle Pass when you unlock the Exclusive Royalties. And these missions are actually very easy to complete as you play the game.
How to use Officer Statues Effectively
In general, you want to spend your spend statues to max out the officer’s first skill (activate skill) first because this is always the one that offers the biggest impact in combats.
After that, work on the ones that give your units the most value first.