Hey @everyone! The Warpath Update Version V2.0 is coming to the game very soon and one aspect of the update will be combat optimizations. These optimizations will step up the pace of PVP combat to achieve a more healthy gaming environment.
Warpath Update Version 2.0
Conquest: Moscow
Ever since the conception of the game, our venerable Commanders have often asked when they can enjoy entering a Lvl 4 City Map and exactly what it might be like. Now, we are pleased to announce that the moment we’ve been waiting for, the premiere of our all-new [Conquest: Moscow] gameplay, has finally arrived!
Moscow is the first City to enter our Theater of Conquest and will mark its place in the canals of history as the echoes of war bellow and Commanders plough up the battlefield. May we never forget those brave soldiers who fought upon the same battlefield that we are about to enter.
And so we dedicate this territory to those fine soldiers who fought long ago.
The first Theater of Conquest will be launched first on Servers 1 to 3 in the City of Moscow to deliver an improved gaming experience to Commanders.
Entering a Conquest
Moscow is the first City to hold a Theater of Conquest, initially available only to Commanders in Servers 1 to 3. On the last day of May, the teaser for the Conquest in Moscow will be officially released in the game. As the Conquest in Moscow is launched, the City of Moscow will become available in all Servers which satisfy the preconditions. See our official platforms for any updates to the release schedule.
Conquest Battlefield Features:
New Map – Moscow: This Map covers a massive area covered in fresh ice and snow. New terrain can be viewed by Commanders, including unseen mountains, rivers and Buildings.
New Officer
The Winter Huntsman: Commanders who enter the [Theater of Conquest in Moscow] will get to acquire this Officer, spoken of in many a legend.
New Gameplay
The [Theater of Conquest in Moscow] features an all-new Conquest Battle Plan, City events and Missions, obstructive landforms, Strategic Places and new gameplay design.
Splendiferous Rewards
An all-out battlefield Conquest will take place, lasting an epic 38 days during which Commanders can contend for Rewards including a hoard of Gold, Gold Statues, Winter Huntsman Statues, Rush Options, Universal Coupons, and more!
Stages in the Theater of Conquest
The [Conquest: Moscow] takes place in 4 Stages: Preselection, Matching and Results Announcement, Warm-Up Round and the Conquest. Keep reading for more details:
Preselection: Alliances in the same Server undergo an intense contest for 8 days to decide who will qualify for the [Conquest in Moscow].
Matching and Results Announcement sees groups of 8 alliances formed according to a set of predefined rules. These 8 alliances march forth to the Conquest.
Warm-Up Round: Before alliances march onto the battlefield in Moscow, each group of 8 undergoes a Warm-Up to earn incredible Buffs which can be unleashed to gain an almighty advantage in the Conquest.
Conquest: At this Stage, Commanders officially enter the [Moscow Battlefield] to fight. In this City, a range of exciting gameplay mechanisms take place in an epic 38-day combat. Experience the brand new Map terrain and mechanisms, Conquest Battle Plan and Conquest Missions and events.
Replacement of Commander Level with Commander Center Level
For a considerable time now, the Commander Level has dictated Building upgrades, but each Commander has their own strategies when it has come to leveling up their Commander Level, and there is significant variance between Base Building levels and Commander Level. Thus the Commander Level is in no way an accurate portrayal of a Commander’s Base Defense Capabilities.
For this reason we’ve decided to replace the Commander Level with a new Command Center Lvl, with the following changes taking place:
New [Command Center Lvl] Combines Previous [Commander Level] and [Command Center Level]
The Level Up screen for the [Commander Level] along with relevant notifications have now been replaced with [Command Center Lvl].
Moving forward the [Command Center Lvl] will replace the [Commander Level] and dictate the preconditions for unlocking game features, events, Building levels and Campaigns. Current features unlocked will not be affected by this change.
The Commander Level Leaderboard will be replaced by a Command Center Leaderboard.
Commander Levels on the Investments screen will be replaced by Command Center Lvl however completed Missions will not be affected.
Introduction of the [Base Build Index]
Commander EXP is no longer earned by performing Building upgrades. Moving forward, Building upgrades will contribute to an increased Base Build Index. In the new update, we will carefully calculate the [Base Build Index] for each of our Commanders, by taking into account all Building upgrades made thus far.
Conditions for upgrading Buildings have been updated as follows:
Building upgrades that required Commanders to reach Commander Lvl 16 or higher have now been replaced by Base Build Index preconditions.
Building upgrades determined by Commander Lvl up to Commander Lvl 15 have now been replaced with Command Center Lvl requirements.
Data Optimizations
Adjustments to Feature Unlock Levels
Alliances are now unlocked at Command Center Lvl 3 rather than Commander Lvl 4.
Resource Collections is now unlocked at Command Center Lvl 3 rather than Commander Lvl 7.
Daily Missions and Side Missions are now unlocked at Command Center Lvl 6 rather than Commander Lvl 7.
Events are now unlocked at Command Center Lvl 7 rather than Commander Lvl 6.
The Camp system is now unlocked at Command Center Lvl 9 rather than Commander Lvl 12.
The Black Market now unlocks at Command Center Lvl 10 rather than Commander Lvl 9.
Officer Missions now unlock at Command Center Lvl 11 rather than Commander Lvl 12.
Campaign Missions 2-31 to 11-40 are now unlocked 1 level earlier than previous.
The Missions on Day 3 of the [Call to Rally] event related to Commander Level have been changed to Airdrops without changing the number of Missions.
As the new update goes live, we will dispatch Compensation Rewards to our Commanders via Mail in the form of Resources and Building Rush Options.
Combat Optimizations
We are constantly looking into how to deliver an increasingly thrilling combat experience to our Commanders.
Currently in the game there is an issue where repetitive operations can be manipulated to drag units back and forth and maintain HP without suffering any damage. These operations are cumbersome and result in an unfair advantage and great damage being dealt to newer players.
For this reason, we’ve made some changes to Barracks Capacity and Unit Dmg Received. While these changes are being implemented we are also adjusting the Campaign Difficulty and Difficulty level of taking on Raven Troops, Raven Bunkers and Raven Bases on the Map.
We’ll be seeing more intense action on the battlefield as we step up the pace of PVP combat to achieve a more healthy gaming environment. Once you start playing the new version, we’d like to send you 7 days of Compensation in the form of additional Reserve Forces and Military Funds which we hope will help you get used to the new combat environment.
Barracks Capacity
We’ve increased the Barracks Capacity from 24 up to 102 and made adjustments to the Barracks Capacity for different levels of Barracks. Meanwhile, no changes have been applied to the number of Personnel required to Train up a troop.
Commanders will find in the new version that the increased Barracks Capacity will deliver more Power when Army units are maxed.
The Military Funds needed to Train up a unit have been cut by 75%, as has the Training time required.
Barracks are enjoying an additional 50 Reserve Troops and four-fold increase in Reserve Recovery Speed.
Base Durability has been increased by 2-3.5 times and Firepower by 2-3 times depending on Command Center Lvl.
While the visibility of Army units on the Map remains unaltered, since the Unit Max has seen an increase, we have increased the number of unit model badges which can be superimposed within a fixed range, which we believe will allow Commanders to have a better feel for their Unit Counts.
As you upgrade your Barracks and your Barracks Capacity increases, Commanders will need to manually Train up units now rather than units being automatically maxed as in the previous version.
The increased Barracks Capacity sees the following changes implemented, so ensure a consistent PVE experience for our Commanders.
All neutral/enemy units will see an increased Unit Count.
All levels of Raven Bunkers will see a roughly five-fold increase in Durability and three-fold raise in Firepower.
All levels of Raven Bases will also see a roughly five-fold increase in Durability and three-fold raise in Firepower.
Level 8, 13, 19, 26, 30 and 35 Raven Troops will see a 50% boost in HP while Raven Troops of other levels will see a modest 10% raise.
Campaign difficulty has been adjusted to ensure that it remains in sync with the difficulty in previous versions allowing for the raise in Barracks Capacity.
Event Optimizations
We’ve adjusted some of the New City Mission requirements for Power in Mission tiers 6-9 of the [Elite Commander Event], to account for the increased Barracks Capacity. The Power requirement for the tier 9 Mission has been increased from 1.2M to 2M. Once the update is installed, Commanders may still claim unclaimed Rewards for Missions that have been completed.
We’ve adjusted some of the Mission requirements for Points in the [Combat Drills Event] as the Unit Max has been increased. The following changes will be applied, however once the update is installed, Commanders may still claim unclaimed Rewards for Missions that have been completed.
Lvl 1 Cities
Increased Points requirements for Silver Medals from 200k to 300k.
Increased Points requirements for Platinum Medals from 400k to 800k.
Increased Points requirements for Gold Medals from 750k to 1.88M.
Increased Points requirements for Warlord Medals from 1.1M to 3.3M.
Lvl 2 Cities
Increased Points requirements for Silver Medals from 450k to 675k.
Increased Points requirements for Platinum Medals from 1.1M to 2.2M.
Increased Points requirements for Gold Medals from 2.25M to 5.63M.
Increased Points requirements for Warlord Medals from 3.6M to 10.8M.
Lvl 3 Cities
Increased Points requirements for Silver Medals from 720k to 1.08M.
Increased Points requirements for Platinum Medals from 2M to 4M.
Increased Points requirements for Gold Medals from 5M to 12.5M.
Increased Points requirements for Warlord Medals from 9.6M to 28.8M.
This update ushers in significant new features which have been in the making for some time now. Most noteworthy of these is the premiere of the all-new Theater of Conquest gameplay, featuring a Lvl 4 City Map never seen before! We will also bring back the much-loved Power display our Commanders have been asking for! We are most confident that as you are forging your Warpath, this new update will deliver an enhanced gameplay to each of you.
We’ve optimized the random algorithms behind units selecting targets when attacking such that units attacking are more inclined to all deal damage to the same enemy unit first.
Increased Unlock Level for Modifications/Training and Parts
[Modifications/Training] unlocks at Unit Lvl 10.
[Parts] unlock at Unit Lvl 20.
We’ve added 5 Parts slots and corresponding unlock levels. Relevant Parts can only be equipped by upgrading units to Lvl 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60.
Data Optimizations
Adjusted the Copper Parts Rewards in [Campaigns] 1-1 to 1-10.
Adjusted content and Rewards for Missions including [Chapter Missions] and Recommended Missions with a slight reduction in the overall value of Rewards. The new version sees Officer Missions get unlocked earlier than before, however this will in no way alter the current Officers acquired by Commanders. For these changes, we’ll be sending out Compensation Rewards via Mail.
The first tier Rewards in the [Supremacy] event have been repackaged by removing [Camp Coupons] and adding Universal Coupons and Universal 4-Star Unit Components without any changes to the total value of Rewards.
Base Construction Missions in the [Jurisdiction] event have now been modified by adding new ways of earning Valor. Valor can now also be earned by expending Universal Coupons or Camp Coupons. The amount of Valor required has not been changed.
Other Optimizations
Restored the Unit Power display on the [World Map]. Commanders should go to [Options] > [General] to enable this display feature.
Officer EXP has been made available in the [Campaign Store].
Eased the level for unlock requirements for [Engineering Center] Queue length, number of Workshops and Building Materials.
Military Tech now unlocks when Commanders upgrade their [Research Center] to Lvl 2.
[Urban Combat Plan]
Modified 3 of the Missions for the Urban Combat Plan in Lvl 1 Cities as follows:
Changed Mission for Commanders to establish a Lvl 10 Command Center to an alliance Mission to exceed 10 Members.
Changed Mission for Commanders to search 20 patches of Fog to an alliance Mission to establish a Central Command.
Changed alliance Mission to establish a Central Command to an alliance occupying 3 Villages.
As the new update goes live, for any Commanders affected by Missions which weren’t yet tallied up, these Rewards can be claimed after Commander complete their next Mission.
For Commander who have incomplete Missions already tallied which meet the requirements of new Missions, Rewards may be claimed directly.
For Commanders who have unclaimed Rewards for completed Missions, these Rewards can only be claimed once.
[Strategic Places]: Raven Military Zones in Lvl 1 Cities will now be unlocked on Day 4 after the City Gates are opened.
[Mail]: There will be no Raven Defeat Rewards for Lvl 1, 2 or 3 Raven Troops.
The [Glorious Reign] event in Lvl 3 Cities is no longer running, but a new event, [Battle Honors] has been launched.
Bug Fixes
Fixed display error where Commanders who Teleport are unable to view any data in the Urban Combat Plan Alliance Ladders.