Hi everyone, below is the complete changelog of the upcoming Warpath Update v1.08.
Battle Reports
Now when you have multiple units engaged in battle, you’ll receive one consolidated Battle Report displaying all relevant stats.
- The information written on the Battle Reports is clear, well-structured and goes easy on the eyes.
- All your previous Battle Reports will be deleted from your Mailbox in the new version to accommodate this change.
Other Optimizations
- Cities: Enabled access to the Cities feature from the main screen where the Urban Combat Plan feature used to be. Through this new feature, Commanders can view Strategic Places, City Posts, the Urban Combat Plan and which City Gates are open.
- Urban Combat Plan: Commanders can now view all alliances which successfully completed alliance Missions in the Urban Combat Plan.
- Map: Raven Bases now display the remaining time for the Safeguard.
- Map: Enlarged the Raven Bunker icons on the World Map.
- Map: Enlarged the icons of Plunder and Scouted Structures found when searching through the fog.
- Map: Optimized the icons of Collection Sites, Villages and Strategic Places.
- Alliances: When the alliance Leader is offline for a number of days consecutive, this role is now automatically handed over to an active alliance Officer with the highest Power instead of a random alliance Member.
- Alliances: Now you can tap the Profile Picture of each Commander from the list of alliance Applications to view their Commander Profiles.
- Alliances: The Confirmation button to abandon a Central Command/Turret has been moved to the left side.
- Search Feature: Added unlock time for the next level of Raven to the Raven Search interface. This disappears when Raven in the city reaches the highest level.
- Parts: Parts sharing the same name are now listed in order from high to low Power, depending on their attributes.
- Supplies: Fixed borders that were incorrectly displayed, including Silver Ammunition and Silver Components.
- Rankings: Added Battleground Rankings. Every 8 Lvl 1 Cities, or 4 Lvl 2 Cities, or 2 Lvl 3 Cities in a server make up a Battleground. The order of Battlegrounds depends on the order of the cities. Battleground Rankings are unlocked at 0:00AM, UTC on the 8th day after the City Gates open. - - Only Commanders who have reached Lvl 12 can get ranked.
- Rankings: Added World Rankings, which involve all the cities in a sever. - World Rankings are unlocked at 0:00AM, UTC on the 26th day after the City Gates open. Only Commanders who have reached Lvl 18 can get ranked.
- Gifts: Repackaged the Military Empire Gift by replacing the 40 Camp Coupons for 50 Universal Coupons.
- Gifts: Repackaged the $49.99 Arms Race Gift by removing Components and Universal 5-Star Components and increasing the number of Universal Coupons from 15 to 30. The total value of this Gift remains unchanged.
- Gifts: Repackaged the $99.99 Arms Race Gift by removing Components and Universal 5-Star Components and increasing the number of Universal Coupons from 30 to 60. The total value of this Gift remains unchanged.
- Gifts: Added new Resource Boost Gift. See less