Warpath Tier List (Best Units & Officers)

This is the ultimate Warpath tier list for all units and officers in the game.

There are currently many types of units in Warpath, and each type has loads of troops.

Choosing the best units from this huge list could be a really headache for all new players because maybe you just don’t know which are good, which are bad. The same thing applies to officers

There are also many officers, and each officer has their own advantages, disadvantages, and the right type of units you must assign them to. You simply just shouldn’t use a Tank Officer for an Infantry army, and vice-versa.

Warpath Unit Tier List



Camp Liberty

Tank Hunter

Camp Liberty

Light Tank

Camp Liberty

Medium Tank

Camp Liberty

Heavy Tank

Camp Liberty


Camp Liberty


Vanguard Divisionv

Tank Hunter

Vanguard Division

Medium Tank

Vanguard Division

Heavy Tank

Vanguard Division

Super Heavy Tank

Vanguard Division

Anti-tank Gun

Vanguard Division


Martyr's Watch

Tank Hunter

Martyr's Watch

Medium Tank

Martyr's Watch

Heavy Tank

Martyr's Watch


Martyr's Watch


Martyr's Watch
  • Light Tank: Camp Liberty. This is the fastest tank in Warpath right now in terms of movements, firing speed, and reload. At the moment, Light Tank is only available for Camp Liberty.
  • Medium Tank: Martyrs’ Watch. It can self-heal using the Repair Skill when taking damage in the battle.
  • Tank Hunter: Vanguard Division has the best Tank Hunter in the game! Tank Hunter is perfect for countering Heavy/Super Heavy Tanks.
  • Super Heavy Tank: Vanguard Division. They are the meatshield, being made for attacking/defending bases and soaking damage for other units on open-field combats. Super Heavy Tank is only available for Vanguard Division at the moment and it’s called Lion.
  • Infantry: Any Infantry is working well at the moment! It’s best for the early-mid game, especially for the campaign! In the late game, it’s getting weaker because of the Artillery.

Warpath Officer Tier List

  • S Tier: Over-powered officers with game-changing skills.
  • A Tier: Excellent at their jobs.
  • B Tier: Can get the jobs done great with a bit of works.
  • C Tier: They can finish the jobs decently with niche uses.
  • D Tier: They can finish the work at a minimum requirement, not recommended in most cases.

Infantry Officers Tier List


White Wolf
SSpecial Skill adds 1 extra target, Active skill has 1.2k Damage, +45% ATK + 15% Bunker Resist. Great for Garrisoned & Bunker!

Angel of Light
AHeals 500x4+25% + 15% Resistance + 50% Blast Resistance + 30% HP. Best for Infantry Bunker!

A+20% HP + 50% Blast Resist + Special Skill gives allies 8% ATK. Good for Infantry Bunker!

War Machine
BActive Skill has 1.3k Damage; 20% Reload Speed; +35% ATK - Best reload speed + ATK Buff!

Winter Huntsman
BThe Special-Skill locks down enemy for 2s; Active skill has 1350 Damage; 15% ATK Bonus. Best Skill Damage & Lock.

Bloody Mary
CSpecial-Skill delays enemy for 2s in total; +15% ATK Bonus. You will have upper hand due to the delay!

Fox Of Highlands
D20% ATK Bonus - The last Option for Infantry!

Tank Siege (B2B) Officers TIer List


Sergeant Spanner
SExcellent Healing, +10% Resist, +30% HP - The best healer for Tank!

Guardian of Truth
A+10% Damage Resistance (Active Skill) + 15% (Passive) = 25% Resistance in total. The best tank resistance in game.

Angel of Light
BHeals 500x4+25% + 15% Resistance + 50% Blast Resistance. 2nd best healer for Tank!

Winter Huntsman
C15% Resist (Passive) + 5% HP. The second best resist for tank!

Fox Of Highlands
C10% Resistance (Active Skill) + 15% HP. The 3rd best resistance + HP

D20% HP + 50% Blast Damage Resistance

Tank Siege (Open-field / Support) Officers Tier List


Guardian of Truth
SSkill 1.2k Damage + 30% ATK + 25% Resistance + 40% Penetration Damage - Fighting at same tank level, you will win.

Sergeant Spanner
AHealing 1.5k+ 500 + 10% Resist + 30% HP - Heals and stays alive.

Winter Huntsman
BSkill 1.3k Damage + 15% ATK + 15% Resist + Heal back + Special Skill has 2s Lock for skill-and-run). Overall: Skill and Run then heal and back to fight.

Bloody Mary
BSpecial Skill delays enemy for 2s in total. +15% ATK, +10% Move Speed + Heal Back. Standing 1v1, you always have 1s faster. For example, 10 tanks vs 10 tanks, you will use skills first, making it easier to win.

Fox Of Highlands
C+10% Resistance + 20% ATK + 15% HP + 40% Penetration. 1v1 you have 40% Penetration extra is the key to win. Otherwise, if you lose, you have 5% move speed to run.

War Machine
CActive Skill has 1.3k Damage + 35% ATK + 20% Reload Speed. High Reload Speed + High Damage.

Angel of Light
CHeals 500x4+25% + 15% Resistance + 50% Blast Resistance. She makes your Tank live longer.!

CActive Skill has 1.2k Damage, +8% ATK Buff, +20% HP, + 50% Blast Resist, gives Ally 8% ATK Buff

Artillery Officer Tier List


SSpecial-Skill +1 extra Grid; Active skill has 1.2k+50% damage; 30% ATK Bonus. The most Overpowered officer for this job!

S+10% Reload Speed, +30% ATK, +12% AoE - Making him and Antonina the best pair for Siege

War Machine
AActive Skill has 1.3k Damage + 35% ATK + 20% Reload Speed. High Reload Speed + High Damage.

Winter Huntsman
BSkill 1.3k Damage + 15% ATK + 15% Resist + Heal back + Special Skill has 2s Lock for skill-and-run). Overall: Skill and Run then heal and back to fight.

Bloody Mary
BSpecial Skill delays enemy for 2s in total. +15% ATK. You always have a great advantage when fighting.

CAlly has 8% ATK Buff +25% ATK Garrisoned = 33% ATK Buff in total. Great for Garrison.

White Wolf
CSpecial-Skill can target 1 extra enemy, Active skill has 1.2k Damage +15% ATK Buff. Great or Garrison!

Fox Of Highlands
D+20% ATK - The last option for Arty

Rocket Officer Tier List


SSpecial-Skill +1 extra Grid; Active skill has 1.2k+50% damage; 30% ATK Bonus. The most Overpowered officer for this job!

Winter Huntsman
ASkill 1.3k Damage + 15% ATK + 15% Resist + Special Skill has 2s Lock for skill-and-run). Overall: Skill and Run.

Bloody Mary
BSpecial Skill delays enemy for 2s in total. +15% ATK. You always have a great advantage when fighting.

B+10% Reload Speed, +30% ATK, +12% AoE - Great for AoE

Anti-tank Gun Officer Tier List


SSpecial-Skill +1 extra Grid; Active skill has 1.2k+50% damage; 30% ATK Bonus. The most Overpowered officer for this job!

War Machine
AActive Skill has 1.3k Damage + 35% ATK + 20% Reload Speed. High Reload Speed + High Damage.

Fox Of Highlands
A+20% ATK +40% Penetration - Excellent for ATG

A+10% Reload Speed, +30% ATK - Great the best pair for ATK Buff

Winter Huntsman
BSkill 1.3k Damage + 15% ATK + Special Skill has 2s Lock for skill-and-run). Best Skill dmg + Lock.

BAlly has 8% ATK Buff +25% ATK Garrisoned = 33% ATK Buff in total. Great for Garrison.

Bloody Mary
BSpecial Skill delays enemy for 2s in total. +15% ATK. You always have a great advantage when fighting.

White Wolf
CSpecial-Skill can target 1 extra enemy, Active skill has 1.2k Damage +15% ATK Buff. Great or Garrison!

Airforce Fighter Officer Tier List


Brisk Eagle
SSpecial-Skill has 1s Immunity + 30% chance for 100% TK Crit + 20% ATK + 10% Fly Speed - She is the most OP fighter Officer!

Wings of Glory
ASpecial Skill has upto 100% ATK for 20s + 45% ATK + 20% Better Aim - Good for Fighter!

The Witcher
BSpecial-Skill has up to 10% resistance + 15% Resist + 20% HP + 60% Dodge Rate - Great for staying alive.

Golden Pixie
C15% ATK Bonus - The Last Option

Airforce Bomber Officer Tier List


Golden Pixie
SSpecial-Skill adds 1 Extra Bomb + 45% ATK - Best Bomber Officer

The Witcher
AThe Special-Skill up to 10% resist + 15% Resist + 20% HP + 60% Dodge Rate - Best for Blue Bomber

Brisk Eagle
BSpecial-Skill has 1s Immunity + 20% ATK & 10% Fly Speed - Better use on Fighter, but if you have 3rd Bomber

Wings of Glory
C15% ATK - The Last Option

What are the best units for Early & Mid Games?

Guide by Last Swagger

If you want to have the best early game, especially for battlefield fightings, the best unit is probably the Medium Tank from Martyrs Watch.

It’s super-fast, especially when you have the right parts and good modifications geared!

You can do almost everything with it, even attacking bases with this and you can easily go back quickly to regenerate HP whenever you are in troubles.

After the Medium tank, focus on either Anti-Tank or Howitzer.

I would recommend getting Anti-tank Gun as soon as possible! Once you have a 7-star Anti-tank, it’s going to be a hell of a story for you from there!

Most players focus on Super Heavy tanks and the others focus on all kind of other tanks so Anti-Tank Gun at 7-star becomes really painful.

In the mid-game, If you have it at 120 level and above, it can soak damage and do whatever you want. It is pretty tanky and cannot die that easy. It will do a lot a lot of damage and your base will be probably unkillable by a few players, even if they try to base-to-base you.

Anti-tanks is one of the best Warpath units against the base to base strategy and of course they are also one of the top units for attacking because if you have a Super heavy or a Heavy tank that is soaking the damage in front, you can fire from behind with Anti-Tanks and deal tons of damage.

If the defender tries to attack or snipe them down or uses the Artilleries to hit your Anti-tanks, you still have time to take them back and not get any units killed. It’s one of the best units just because you’re gonna deal a lot of damage and the enemy bases are going to get demolished in seconds.

After that, I will definitely suggest you work on Howitzer!

Both Howitzers from Martyrs Watch and Liberty are really good!

You cannot take anything from them as both have some good stats and do really well at defending your base and attacking the other bases!


  • Free-to-Play & Low Spenders: I definitely suggest you focus on the Medium Tank for field fights. If you don’t like doing a lot of field fights, Anti-tank gun and Howitzer should be your top priority! After that, you can get the Medium Tank and lastly the Super Heavy Tank should be the 4th unit you need!
  • Pay-to-win Players: If you are spending a lot of money into the game, Super Heavy should be the top priority and you can easily get it to 7.2 Stars at VIP 15. After that, focus on
  • Max out your strongest units as soon as possible with Warpath codes.
  • Play Warpath on PC for a much better gaming experience!

What are the best Officers right now in Warpath?

Tier S

War Machine

The attack speed he gives you is enough to make him to tier S. The damage of the first skill is also very impressive, giving him even more damage than Antonina in some situations.

Players haven’t seen the full potential of him because not that many people have him maxed yet as they are just slowly buying him via the Alliance store!

He is a super good officier, especially for free-to-play players.

I wouldn’t suggest spending gold statues on him for now as the air force officers are just around the corner and we will want to see how good they are!


Since Artillery is the meta right now, having him maxed allows you to shoot every 2 seconds. And only this makes him an S tier hero.

Other than that, he has great active skill damage, great firepower, especially for Artillery.


She is the best officer in Warpath right now. This is because of her damage buff to artillery and the best max skill, giving you 1 additional attack grid. This allows you to attack any base without taking the damage.

However, since she is super OP right now, she might probably get a nerf soon, making Raptor the best officer in the game after that.

Winter Huntsman

Winter Huntsman is going to be super good due to his max skill, allowing you to freeze and stop the enemy for 2s, which is just a lot! Artillery can take down anything with just 2 seconds!

A Tier


She is a great commander in general, however, she is not the top priority to max first as you always can max her out by leveling up the others to level 60 first. You can literally max her without working on her.

Her skill set is amazing, giving 25% damage when you are in garrison, 20 durability buff is super nice for Super Heavy Tanks. She also has Blast Damage Resistance +50%, making her and Guardian of Truth the best combination right now in the game, after Jack getting nerfed.

If you max her out, your troops and allied troops within 2 map grids will gain 8% firepower during 8 seconds, which is a pretty crazy buff. On top of that, her first skill has 1200 damage, making her one of the most complete officers in Warpath.

Fox of the Highlands

His skills are really amazing when you putting him in Tank Hunters or Medium Tanks. The skills are too good, making him an tier A hero even when the tanks don’t play a lot of roles recently.

While he is also offering a lot of great buffs, the 40% penetration buff only is just crazy!

Guardian of Truth

Although he is very good, I just put him in the tier A because it takes 200 dollars to max him out. If you are a free-to-play player then he is he doesn’t exist at all!

He is the best Super Heavy and all other tanks you can probably have in the game. He offers a ton of firepower, damage resist, and penetration. If you could max him out immediately, he is the best investment you could ever make in the game!

B Tier

Jack Spanner even got some buffs but it’s not enough to get him to the A tier! He was one of the best officer you would have, however, due to the meta changes, maxing him right now is not the top priority.

He is still great for SH, healing, and tanking but just not the best officer to spend your golden statue on right now.

Bloody Mary

Her skill set is decent, the first 2 skills are good but the other skills don’t make any huge change to the combats.

Her final skill is probably the best, making the enemies getting stunned for 1s, which is a unique ability that the others don’t have. However, it’s not a game-changing skill that forces you to spend all of the hard-earned golden statues to max her out first.

C Tier

Here are the heroes that you shouldn’t be working on right now because the infantry is not in a good situation.

White Wolf is really bad right now just because of the Infantry being not great.

The same thing applies to Angel of Light. She even got a nerf recently after the healing skill change, making her even worse than White Wolf.

With the exception of the first skill, you cannot use them in almost any situation. Plus, most of their skills can only be used for Infantry.

At the moment, there isn’t any good gameplay for you to invest on them. You probably just shouldn’t focus on using them and Infantry units if you are in the mid/late stage of the game. Infantry must have a huge change to be shining in Warpath.

Tank is losing its place in the meta right now so it’s great to see some infantry buffs.

How to Use Warpath Tier List

If you are looking for a list of all the best units and officers in Warpath, this page is for you!

Are you bored with online games that are repetitive and similar in context? Then here is some good news for all you gamers.

This year has seen some fantastic innovations when it comes to technical excellence in the gaming arena. Lilith Games has been a front-runner in gaming technology and has launched some amazing games like Rise of Kingdoms and AFK Arena.

The most recent one brought the beta version of the latest marvel, Alternative history WW2 RTS Warpath that allows you to change the course of history- at least virtually.

The game creators have been a name to reckon with, and you are bound to be amazed by the imaginative virtual world set by the creators. The beta version of the game is already available to download over the play store.

The android version is ready, and players can pre-register for the iOS version. Players who like strategy and thought-provoking games would also love the virtual path created here.

Tier List Features

  1. The backdrop or the game’s time is that of the Second World War, based on real events and geographically accurate incidents.
  2. Players start with an army and access to many real boons and powers. These include an expanding trove of armor and artillery that can be deployed.
  3. The game offers an excellent gamut of action that allows the players to use their imagination and strategies well.
  4. Players can form teams with others from anywhere in the world, and they can choose to represent any of the air or land troops mentioned in the real history of World War 2.
  5. The game map is a global dynamic one that allows them to position and uses their armies anywhere in the world.
  6. The teams can establish associations and create battle plans that lead to the destruction of their opposing teams.
  7. The game is available on a free to play basis now. The in-app purchases may help players get more advantages while playing, and as the game progresses, they can choose to buy some more powerful helpful tools.

Why you want to know the top Warpath units & officers

Hone gaming skills: This will allow them to deploy their plans and campaigns in battles that are well documented in the history books. Players can also help to research and upgrade their best units and plan the eventual triumph.

Practice Various Strategies: The game is very flexible and dynamic. A player can control each aspect of the strategy. On the other hand, the top unit can also devise a route that can decide the strategies and combat styles to win the game and destroy the enemies.

Earn Rewards: Players can pre-register for some privileges as well. In November 2020, a special event was organized that helped players from all over the world to come together and earn rewards.

Final Words

So, what are you waiting for! Check it out for yourself and enjoy hours of fun and entertainment with this strategy-based game. Warpath finally hit global launch after a successful beta!

Hopefully, you have found some great information from our Warpath Tier List!

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DJ Start
DJ Start
2 years ago

Hello, in your guide what does S stand for? Not sure what that grade means.

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